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(江阴市商业中等专业学校,湖北 荆州 214437)

摘  要:当代处于社会科技大爆炸的时代,电子技术在社会各界得到了广泛的应用,当代社会对电子技术领域的人才需求越来越大,因此各大院校都为培养适应社会发展的人才摩拳擦掌,开设发展电子电工专业。在中职教育中它同样是一门热门而核心的专业,但由于传统的教学方式方法与相对欠缺的实践教学,导致实际教学效果不佳。因此,本文就中职院校中电子电工专业的教学现状进行分析并对其创新发展路径展开探讨。


中图分类号:TN0-4         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0152-03

Study on the Development Path of Electronics and Electrical Teaching inSecondary Vocational Schools

TIAN Xiaomei

(Jiangyin City Commercial Secondary Specialized School,Jingzhou 214437,China)

Abstract:In the era of social science and technology explosion,electronic technology has been widely used in all walks of life,and the demand for talents in the field of electronic technology is growing. Therefore,colleges and universities are offering the specialty of developing electronic and electrical engineering to train talents to adapt to social development. In secondary vocational education,it is also a hot and core specialty,but due to the traditional teaching methods and relatively lack of practical teaching,the actual teaching effect is not good. Therefore,this paper analyses the current teaching situation of electronics and electrician specialty in secondary vocational colleges and explores its innovative development path.

Keywords:vocational colleges;electronics and electrical engineering;information technology


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