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高职网页设计与制作课程信息化教学设计研究——以JavaScript 条件语句为例
(天津市河东区职工大学,天津 300162)

摘  要:随着“互联网+ 教育”的快速发展,信息化教学也得到广泛应用。为了解决高职网页设计与制作课程信息化教学设计和组织的问题,本文对现有高职信息化教学现状开展研究,对当前信息化教学存在的问题进行剖析,并提出针对该课程的信息化教学设计策略,以JavaScript 条件语句为例,制定完整的信息化教学设计方案,推进高职信息化教学改革。


中图分类号:TP393.092-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0106-03

Research on Information Teaching Design of Web Design and Production Course in Higher Vocational Education

——Taking JavaScript Conditional Statements as an Example

CHEN Yanhui

(Tianjin Hedong District Workers University,Tianjin 300162,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of “internet plus education”,information technology teaching has also been widely used.In order to solve the problem of informatization teaching design and organization of web design and production courses in higher vocational schools,this paper studies the current status of informatization teaching in higher vocational schools,analyzes the problems existing in current informatization teaching,and proposes informationization for the course. And put forward the information-based teaching design strategy for this course,taking JavaScript conditional sentences as an example,formulates a complete information-based instructional design plan and promotes the reform of informational teaching in higher vocational schools.

Keywords:informatization teaching;Moso Teach;MOOC;web design;web page production


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