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(黑河学院,黑龙江 黑河 164300)

摘  要:基于农产品保质期短的特点,且在运输过程中会由于磕碰和保存不当而导致产品质量下降,从而影响经济效益。因此,农产品物流工作的顺利开展一直是种植人员比较关心的重点问题。尤其是我国的黑龙江地区土地肥沃,是农业种植面积较大的省份。基于我国科技信息技术的发展进步,现阶段我国已经进入了“互联网+”时代,在这个时代背景下,互联网在信息传播方面的优势逐渐凸显出来,在拓宽销售渠道的同时,也给物流行业带来了更大的挑战。本文就结合了黑龙江省在“互联网+”视域下农产品物流的发展现状,分析产生这个情况的成因并研究可行的解决对策。


中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0130-02

The Development Status,Problems and Causes of Agricultural Products Logistics in Heilongjiang Province under the Perspective of “Internet Plus”


(Heihe College,Heihe 164300,China)

Abstract:Agricultural products have the characteristics of short shelf life,and in the course of transportation due to bumping and improper preservation,the quality of products will decline,thus affecting economic benefits. Therefore,the smooth development of agricultural products logistics has always been a major concern of growers. Especially in Heilongjiang region of our country,the land is fertile and the agricultural planting area is large. Based on the development and progress of China’s science and technology information technology,at this stage,China has entered the era of “internet plus” under the background of this era,the advantages of the Internet in information dissemination are gradually emerging. While expanding sales channels,it also brings greater challenges to the logistics industry. This article combines the development status of agricultural products logistics in Heilongjiang Province under the “internet plus” perspective,analyzes the causes of this situation and studies feasible solutions.

Keywords:“internet plus”;information transmission;logistics status



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