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(成都理工大学 旅游与城乡规划学院,四川 成都 610059)

摘  要:作为中国古典园林的典型代表之一,西蜀园林具有鲜明的文化价值、经济价值、生态价值和艺术价值,符合中国绿色发展战略思想。本文基于文献调研得出131 个成都西蜀园林数据样本,并采用ArcGIS 重心坐标法、标准差椭圆法的空间分析工具进行数据的分析与处理,可以归纳如下结论:西蜀园林历经先秦萌芽期、秦汉发展期、魏晋南北朝停滞期、隋唐五代全盛期、宋元成熟期以及明清后成熟期,呈现三个时空演变特征:第一,西蜀园林分布范围广泛,但空间集聚度高,分布不均衡;第二,各历史时期的西蜀园林分布范围总体呈线性扩大,分布方向性趋于明显,分布重心基本在成都市中心城区范围内变迁;第三,西蜀园林的消亡格局空间集聚度高,消失的园林多见于中心城区内。


中图分类号:TU986.5;TU986         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-069-06

Spatial-temporal Evolution Characteristics of Chinese Classical Gardens

——Taking Xishu Garden as an Example

WANG Jingyi,XU Jianrong,LI Jun

(College of Tourism and Urban-Rural Planning,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,China)

Abstract:Xishu Garden (XG) is a kind of Chinese classical garden (CG). It has distinct cultural value,economic value,ecological value and artistic value,and is in line with China’s green development strategy. Based on literature research,131 data samples of Chengdu XG were obtained,and the spatial analysis tools of ArcGIS barycentric coordinate method and standard deviation ellipse method were used to analyze and process the data. The results show that the time evolution of XG experienced the germination period of the pre-Qin period,the development period of the Qin and Han Dynasties,the stagnation period of the Wei,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties,the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties,the maturity of the Song and Yuan Dynasties,and the post-mature period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The temporal and spatial evolution of XG presents the following three characteristics:First,XG has a wide range of distribution,but the spatial agglomeration is high and the distribution is uneven;second,the distribution of XG in all historical periods has generally expanded linearly,the direction of distribution tends to be obvious,and the distribution center of gravity has basically changed within the urban area of downtown Chengdu;third,the disappearance pattern of XG garden has a high spatial concentration,the disappeared gardens are mostly found in the central urban area..

Keywords:Xishu Garden (XG);classical garden (CG);spatial and temporal evolution;standard deviational ellipse (SDE)



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