摘 要:随着数字展示技术的快速发展,它已成为人们工作、生活中不可或缺的角色,数字展示技术的普遍应用,提高了人们的工作效率以及生活质量,其中数字展示技术在实现3D 虚拟以及视觉传达上起到了巨大的推进作用。本文使用CorelDRAW、3Ds MAX 和Photoshop 等软件完成了“纸尚人间”的Logo 设计、“纸尚人间”剪纸工艺灯系列产品的建模设计以及推广宣传的平面设计。通过“纸尚人间”系列产品设计过程的详细阐述,进一步介绍了数字展示技术在虚拟展示领域的运用,从而了解矢量图、3D 建模以及平面设计的制作的基本知识。
中图分类号:TP37;J528.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0078-03
Application of Digital Display in Design of Paper-cut Lamp Series Products
WU Zhihong,XIA Lei
(Department of Information Engineering,Wuhan Business Engineering,Wuhan 430056,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of digital display technology,it has become an indispensable role in people’s work and life. The universal application of digital display technology has improved people’s work efficiency and quality of life. Among them,digital display technology has played a huge role in promoting the realization of 3D virtual and visual communication. In this paper,CorelDRAW,3Ds MAX and Photoshop software are used to complete the Logo design of “paper still human” and the modeling design of “paper still human” paper-cut craft lamp series products,as well as the graphic design of promotion and publicity. Through the detailed elaboration of the design process of the “paper still human” series products,the application of digital display technology in the field of virtual display is further introduced,so as to understand the basic knowledge of vector graphics,3D modeling and graphic design.
Keywords:paper-cut;digital display;product design
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