摘 要:随着短视频市场的不断扩大,抖音作为一股新兴力量,对大学生的生活、价值观念等有着巨大的影响,本文以四川民族学院为例,分析学习、生活在多民族地区的学子,在抖音的使用与满足上是否有其特殊性,民族文化的影响、网络环境的冲击是否外化于抖音的使用,形成特色的使用情况,以及人们通过什么方式满足这种特定语境下的特殊需求。
中图分类号:G206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0075-03
Research on the Characteristics of Video We Media Communication Based on Usage and Satisfaction Theory
——Taking the Spread of Tik Tok in Sichuan Minzu College as an Example
MA Jia
(Sichuan Minzu College,Ganzi 626001,China)
Abstract:With the continuous expansion of short video market,as a new force,Tik Tok has a great influence on the life and values of college students. Taking Sichuan Minzu College as an example,this paper analyzes whether the students living in multi-ethnic areas have its particularity in the uses and gratifications of Tik Tok. Whether the influence of national culture and the impact of network environment externalize the use of Tik Tok and form the characteristic use situation. And how can people satisfy the special needs in this particular context.
Keywords:Tik Tok;video we media;uses and gratifications theory
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