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(江苏省高校招生就业指导服务中心,江苏 南京 210024)

摘  要:高校毕业生的就业关乎千家万户的幸福,关系着社会的和谐稳定,促进高校毕业生高质量就业应摆在突出位置。高校毕业生就业信息服务平台在沟通用人单位和学生,消除信息不对称,促进供需对接方面起到了重要作用。然而,由于平台建设技术陈旧、信息质量不高、海量冗余数据、精准服务不足等问题,导致就业信息服务平台无法发挥出足够的作用。大数据技术是海量数据时代进行数据分析的重要技术手段,通过大数据的实时高效推荐算法,高校就业信息服务平台能够为用人单位和学生提供更加精准和个性化的供需匹配服务。


中图分类号:G647.38         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0143-02

Research on the Construction of University Employment Information Service Platform Based on Big Data

NI Qianlong

(Jiangsu Provincial College Admissions and Employment Guidance Service Center,Nanjing 210024,China)

Abstract:The employment of college graduates is related to the happiness of thousands of families,the harmony and stability of the society,and the promotion of high-quality employment of college graduates should be prominent. The employment information service platform for college graduates plays an important role in communicating employers and students,eliminating information asymmetry and promoting supply and demand docking. However,due to the outdated platform construction technology,low information quality,massive redundant data,and insufficient precision services,the employment information service platform cannot play a sufficient role. Big data technology is an important technical means for data analysis in the era of massive data. Through the real-time and efficient recommendation algorithm of big data,the university employment information service platform can provide more accurate and personalized supply and demand matching services for employers and students.

Keywords:big data;employment information service;recommendation system;information island


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