摘 要:工程项目网络进度计划的实施过程中,对网络计划进行工期优化是非常普遍的,最常见的情况是对剩余工作进行工期压缩,以保证项目能够按时竣工。在网络计划的工期压缩决策时,常用选择工作压缩单位时间成本最少的方法与工程实施的现实相比有几个弊端。本文结合项目实例,建立工期压缩时的单位时间成本增加值与时间的函数关系,更贴近实际成本。引入决策树分析法计算风险对工期目标实现的影响,从而为工期压缩的决策提供依据。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0098-03
The Application of Decision Tree Analysis in the Optimization of Construction Period
(Beijing Huadian Tianren Power Control Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100039,China)
Abstract:In the process of the implementation of network schedule,it is very common to optimize the network schedule,the most common situation is to compress the remaining work to ensure the project can be completed on time. In the decision-making of time compression of network planning,there are several disadvantages in the method of choosing the least unit time cost of work compression compared with the reality of project implementation. This paper establishes the functional relationship between the added value of unit time cost and time during time compression,which is closer to the actual cost. The decision tree analysis method is introduced to calculate the impact of risk on the realization of construction period goal,so as to provide a basis for the decision-making of construction period compression.
Keywords:double code network plan;duration optimization;decision tree
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