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基于医院集成平台的数据质量核查系统 应用研究与实现
(中国人民大学信息学院,北京 100872)

摘  要:随着国家新医改政策的不断推进,医院集成平台建设得以快速推广和应用。长期以来,数据质量问题一直被忽视,导致其成为限制各类应用系统及医院集成平台效能发挥的主要瓶颈。通过分析数据质量问题的表现形式及产生的原因,分析不同应用场景下不同的数据质量管理需求,设计数据质量核查规则配置、数据质量核查、核查结果展示等功能,构建基于集成平台的数据质量核查系统,可以在技术层面,为数据质量管理工作提供一个工具,对缓解数据质量问题起到一定的积极的作用,从而提升医院集成平台的应用价值。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0097-05

Application Research and Implementation of Data Quality Checking System Based on Hospital Integrated Platform

GAN Weiyi

(School of Information,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)

Abstract:With the continuous promotion of the new national health reform policy,the hospital integrated platform construction can be quickly promoted and applied. For a long time,the problem of data quality has been ignored,resulting in data quality become the main bottleneck restricting the effectiveness of various application systems and hospital integrated platform. Through the analysis of forms of data quality problems and causes analysis of data quality management requirements of different application scenarios,design rules for quality verification data configuration,data quality verification,the verification results show the function of data quality check system based on hospital integration platform,can be at the technical level,to provide a tool for data quality management work,to alleviate the problem of data quality and play a positive role,so as to enhance the application value of Hospital Integration Platform.

Keywords:medical data quality;data quality verification;hospital integration platform


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作者简介:甘伟谊(1982-),男,汉族,江西樟树人,高级工程师,本科,研究方向:IT 项目管理、医疗大数应用。