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(中铁第一勘察设计集团有限公司,陕西 西安 710043)

摘  要:兰新高铁工程设计中在风区路基地段迎风侧设置有挡风墙,以减弱大风对运行动车的影响。为减少挡风墙产生的风流场紊乱现象对风监测数据的影响,分析距离挡风墙区域不同空间下的风速变化规律,确定风监测系统风速计距离挡风墙的距离。同时通过对国内现有风速计和测风塔的设备参数比选和现场试验方式,解决当地环境下的设备适应性问题。


中图分类号TP277         文献标识码A         文章编号2096-4706(2020)03-0116-04

Research and Application of Wind Monitoring System in the Windbreak Area of Lanxin High Speed Railway

DONG Pengle

(China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710043,China)

Abstract:In the design of Lanxin high speed railway project,windbreak wall is set up in the windward measurement of subgrade section in the wind area to reduce the impact of strong wind on the running motor car. In order to reduce the influence of the wind flow field disorder on the wind monitoring data,the wind speed change rule in different space from the wind retaining wall area is analyzed,and the distance between the anemometer of the wind monitoring system and the wind retaining wall is determined. At the same time,the paper compares and selects the equipment parameters of the existing anemometer and the wind tower in China,and solves the problem of equipment adaptability in the local environment.

Keywords:high speed railway;wind area;wind monitoring;windbreak wall;distance;anemometer;wind tower


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