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(上海市松江二中,上海 201699)

摘  要:为解决构建新型学校学习环境发展的瓶颈问题,提出并设计一种基于传统学习环境的“泛在学习环境”。以泛在学校理论为指导,重点开展泛在学习环境革新背景、革新思考、概念界定、运行结构等四方面设计,以此设计为蓝图,自然融入“泛在学习系统”,学生在校园中将得到无处不在的学习支持,获得高效的学习效果,逐步实现学习环境的变革。

中图分类号:G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0114-04

The Design oytf “Ubiquitous Learning Environment” Based on the Change of Learning Environment

CHEN Dong1

(Shanghai Songjiang No.2 High School,Shanghai 201699,China)

Abstract:In order to solve the bottleneck problem of building a new school learning environment,a “ubiquitous learning environment based on traditional learning environment is proposed and designed. Under the guidance of the theory of ubiquitous school”,we will focus on four aspects of design,including the background of innovation,innovative thinking,concept definition and operation structure of “ubiquitous learning environment”. With this design as the blueprint,we will naturally integrate into “ubiquitous learning system”. Students will get ubiquitous learning support on campus,obtain efficient learning effect and gradually realize the change of learning environment.

Keywords:learning environment;ubiquitous learning;ubiquitous learning environment


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