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​移动 AR 技术在数字文化旅游中的应用探索
(娄底职业技术学院,湖南 娄底 417000)

摘  要:研究通过使用 Unity 3D 引擎制作三维场景和动画,结合 Vuforia SDK 进行 AR 移动开发,通过移动终端对实景与 3D 模型、动画及视频等多媒体信息实现虚实叠加与交互。游客使用智能终端下载安装用户 APP,在现实游览过程中通过 APP实时享受人文背景、事件场景等数字信息,从而提高游客的旅游热情,增强旅游印象,达到加强地方文化传播力度,强化地方文化品牌,提升旅游文化品牌形象的目的。

关键词:移动 AR 技术;数字文化旅游;三维虚拟场景

中图分类号:TP391.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0118-03

Application of Mobile AR Technology in Digital Cultural Tourism

XIE Wei,TAN Wenling

(Loudi Vocational and Technical College,Loudi 417000,China)

Abstract:The research uses Unity 3D engine to make 3D scene and animation,combines Vuforia SDK to develop AR mobile,and realizes virtual and real superposition and interaction of real scene,3D model,animation,video and other multimedia information on mobile terminal. Tourists use the intelligent terminal to download and install the user APP. In the process of real-time tour,they can enjoy the digital information such as human background,event scene and so on,so as to improve the tourists’enthusiasm,enhance the tourism impression,strengthen the local cultural communication,strengthen the local cultural brand,and enhance the image of the tourism cultural brand.

Keywords:mobile AR technology;digital cultural tourism;3D virtual scene

基金项目:2016 年娄底市科技计划项目娄底职业技术学院专项项目;2018 年娄底市应用技术研究与开发项目


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