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基于队列模型的ICU 床位及手术室适应性分配
(优创(青岛)数据技术公司,山东 青岛 266071)

摘  要:医疗卫生系统中大量复杂的因素决定了投入如何有效地转化为产出。在心外手术中手术室和ICU 这两个重要的因素的表现严重影响了病人的流动量、医疗资源数量,以及心外手术与其他科室的交互。该文利用工作中积累的数据分析经验,采用队列模型和SimEvents 这两个高效的工具来模拟心外手术中心运行的情况,尝试找到手术室和ICU 床位数量的关系,并且找到较为高效的系统产出。文章采取用两种工具来模拟Hamilton General and Henderson Hospital 医疗系统,通过SimEvents来探索观察各种实验结果,来尝试找到较合适的策略来提高当前的表现。


中图分类号:R197.3;TP311.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0105-04

Adaptive ICU-bed Allocation for Operating Rooms Based on Queuing Modeling


(ReSource Pro Company,Qingdao 266071,China)

Abstract:The numerous complexity factors of health care system determine the way how efficiently inputs are turned into outcomes. And the performance of the two important roles in the cardiac surgery process operating rooms (OR) and Intensive Care Units (ICU) are affected heavily by the dynamical patient’s arrival rate,the amount of resources,interactions among departments.The author based on working experiences of data analysis,used queuing model and SimEvents,two efficient powerful tools to simulate the running conditions of the cardiac surgery center try to find the relationship between the amount of ORs and ICU beds and the efficient throughput of the system. I used the two tools to imitate Hamilton General and Henderson Hospital real system,and tried to find the adaptive strategies to improve the performance of current situations by using the SimEvents to investigate the strategies result of the experimental studies.

Keywords:health care system;queuing model;SimEvents


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[2] BASTANI P. A queueing model of hospital congestion [DB/OL].(2009-06-25).https://www.academia.edu/2152413/A_queueing_model_of_hospital_congestion.
