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(安徽新华学院 药学院,安徽 合肥 230088)

摘  要:由于应用型本科院校药学专业毕业生就业岗位与职业技能培养的需求的提高,安徽新华学院药学院建设了模拟药房实训基地,并使其应用于药学专业实践教学,包括专业课教学及岗前技能提升训练;这种教学模式对激起学生的学习兴致和热情、提高学生学习的积极主动性有帮助,使得自身社会适应能力提高。学生在药房相关岗位的工作能力和药学服务意识得到了显著提高。在模拟药房的平台教学中把理论知识与操作技能通过模拟实操结合起来,使得学习效果提高,是一种值得推广的教学方式。


中图分类号:R952;G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0115-03

Construction of Simulated Pharmacy and Its Application in Pharmacy Practical Teaching

HU Jianli,WANG Zhangjie,LI Qizhao,WEI Qiang

(College of Pharmacy,Anhui Xinhua University,Hefei 230088,China)

Abstract:According to the needs of employment and the training of vocational skills of students in pharmacy specialty in applied undergraduate colleges and universities,a simulated pharmacy was set up in our university. It was applied to the pharmacy practical teaching,including professional courses and pre-job promote training. This kind of teaching mode stimulated students’interest and enthusiasm for learning,and improved initiative and activeness in learning obviously. The working ability and pharmaceutical care awareness of students in pharmacy related positions have been significantly improved. In the platform teaching of simulated pharmacy,the combination of theoretical knowledge and operational skills through simulated practice can improve the learning effect,which is a teaching method worthy of promotion.

Keywords:simulated pharmacy;pharmacy;character simulation

基金项目:2019 年安徽省“六卓越、一拔尖”卓越人才培养创新项目(2019zyrc110);2018 安徽新华学院精品课程- 校企合作共建课程(2018jpkcx33);2017 年安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目(KJ2017A627);2017 年安徽省教育厅质量工程项目(2017jyxm0526);2016 年安徽省教育厅质量工程项目(2016sxzx021)


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