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(青岛大学 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266071)

摘  要:在一些用电紧张的地区,冷库中添加冰蓄冷装置可以有效地提高冷库的存储效果,与传统冷库相比,冰蓄冷冷库对冷库保温性能要求更高。为了提高冰蓄冷冷库的保温性能,文章利用红外热像仪,对冰蓄冷冷库内部和外部不同部位的漏冷问题进行研究,通过研究发现,冷库库门位置和库板拼接处冷量损失严重。在此基础上,针对冷库门和库板拼接处的漏冷问题提出优化方案,提高冰蓄冷冷库的保温性能,保证存储物品的质量。


中图分类号:TB65         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0118-03

Experimental Study on the Thermal Insulation Performance of Cold Storage Vaccine

SHAO Chao,ZHAO Shuai,ZHAO Youxin,MA Yongzhi,HE Suyan

(School of Electromechanic Engineering,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China)

Abstract:In some areas where electricity is tight,adding ice storage devices to the cold storage can effectively improve the storage effect of the cold storage. Compared with the traditional cold storage,the ice storage cold storage has higher requirements on the thermal insulation performance of the cold storage. In order to improve the thermal insulation performance of the ice storage cold storage,this article uses infrared thermal imaging cameras to study the leakage of cold inside and outside different parts of the ice storage cold storage. Through the research,it is found that the cold storage door position and the storage plate splicing place have a serious loss of cooling capacity. Based on this,an optimization scheme is proposed for the problem of cold leakage at the junction of the cold storage door and the storage plate to improve the thermal insulation performance of the ice storage cold storage and ensure the quality of the stored items.

Keywords:ice storage cold storage;infrared thermal imager;thermal insulation performance;performance optimization


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