摘 要:随着BIM 技术在建筑行业的广泛应用,其价值已被广大建筑从业者普遍认同。在基于Revit 软件的BIM 建筑结构及机电设计中,尤其是大体量复杂建筑中,各专业工程师或同一专业不同分工的工程师之间通常需要相互协作完成同一项目,协同设计作为BIM 设计中必不可少的一个环节。基于长期从事BIM 技术应用及相关教学工作经验,文章依托某实训大楼BIM 应用案例,就如何有效利用Revit 软件协同功能提升BIM 建模工作效率问题做分析。
关键词:BIM 设计;协同设计;BIM 建模
中图分类号:TU201.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0133-03
Analysis of Key Points of BIM Collaborative Design Based on Revit Software
YANG Wenjuan
(Gansu Vocational College of Architecture,Lanzhou 730050,China)
Abstract:With the wide application of BIM technology in the construction industry,its value has been widely recognized by the majority of construction practitioners. In the design of BIM structure and mechatronics based on Revit software,especially in large and complex buildings,the engineers of different disciplines or different divisions of the same discipline usually need to cooperate with each other to complete the same project. Collaborative design is an essential part of BIM design. The author has been engaged in BIM technology application and related teaching work for a long time. Based on a BIM application case of a training building,the paper analyzes how to effectively use the cooperative function of Revit software to improve the efficiency of BIM modeling.
Keywords:BIM design;collaborative design;BIM modeling
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作者简介:杨文娟(1981.09—),女,汉族,甘肃兰州人,教师,副教授,国家注册造价工程师,工学学士,本科,研究方向:造价管理与咨询、BIM 技术应用。