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5G 技术在图书馆中的应用研究
(国家图书馆,北京 100081)

摘  要:随着5G 时代来临,图书馆行业必将迎来新的挑战和发展机遇,对5G 技术在图书馆中的应用进行研究旨在为图书馆开展5G 建设提供参考。通过对5G 技术的基本特征和在图书馆中的应用现状进行调研,结合图书馆的业务需求,构建了5G 时代图书馆的业务基础框架,提出了5G 在图书馆应用的五大前景。最后对图书馆5G 建设提出了意见建议,图书馆在5G 建设中应加强资源管理、跨界合作以及人才储备,加快推进文化和科技融合,推动图书馆发展。


中图分类号:G250.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0135-03

Research on Application of 5G Technology in Library

TAI Yuying

(National Library of China,Beijing 100081,China)

Abstract:With the advent of the 5G era,the library industry is bound to usher in new challenges and development opportunities.The research on the application of 5G technology in libraries aims to provide a reference for libraries to carry out 5G construction. By investigating the basic characteristics of 5G technology and its application status in libraries,the article combines the business needs of libraries to construct the basic business framework of libraries in the 5G era,and proposes five prospects for the application of 5G in libraries. Finally,suggestions were made for the 5G construction of libraries. In the construction of 5G,libraries should strengthen resource management,cross-border cooperation,and talent reserve,accelerate the integration of culture and technology,and promote the development of libraries.

Keywords:5G;library;application prospects


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