摘 要:工业数据中台还处于起步摸索阶段,工业企业对数据中台的价值不够明确,对建设的方法缺乏理论指导。针对这种情况,依托在建设工业数据中台项目的经验总结,文章讨论了工业数据中台在促进企业数据和组织的统一协同、激发数据化管理思维,“降本增效”、提高决策效率以及激活企业创新五个方面中体现的价值,并给出基于阿里云平台和产品构建数据中台的六步法,为企业建立适合自身的数据中台提供参考。
中图分类号:TP302.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0130-04
Research on the Constructing Method of Industrial Enterprise Data Center
ZHENG Yaodong,LI Xufeng ,CHEN Heping
(Department of Computer,South China Institute of Software Engineering.GU,Guangzhou 510990,China)
Abstract:The industrial data center is still in the initial stage of exploration. Industrial enterprises are not clear enough about the value of the data center and lack theoretical guidance on the construction method. In view of this,relying on the summary of the experience in the construction of the industrial data center project,the article discussed the value embodied in five aspects of industrial data center in promoting the unified collaboration of enterprise data and organization,inspiring data management thinking,“reducing costs and increasing efficiency”,improving decision-making efficiency,and activating enterprise innovation. Six-step method for constructing a data center based on Alibaba cloud platform and products is proposed,which provides a reference for enterprise to build their own data center.
Keywords:data center;industrial;intelligent manufacturing
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