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(雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610051)

摘  要:借助工业电视监控系统,监控人员可以对生产现场进行实时监控,不仅能直观地监视并记录工作现场的安全生产情况,更能及时发现事故苗子,防患于未然。结合当前水电站工业电视系统的实际业务需求,文章阐述了工业电视系统设计的主要原则、系统组成以及系统将要实现的智能巡检、红外测温、安全帽识别、作业区域管控、智能联动等功能。



中图分类号:TP315;TV736                             文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0106-04

Intelligent Design of Industrial Television System for a Large Hydropower Station

WANG Qingping,LU Shuai,GUAN Peishuo,LI Chong,ZHU Bin

(Yalong River Hydropower Development Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610051,China)

Abstract:Using the industrial television monitoring system,the monitoring personnel can monitor the production site in real time,not only can intuitively monitor and record the safety production situation at the work site,but also detect Signs of accident in time and prevent problems before they occur. Combining the actual business needs of the current industrial television system of hydropower stations,this paper explains the main principles of industrial television system design,system composition,and the intelligent inspection,infrared temperature measurement,safety helmet recognition,work area management and control,intelligent linkage and other functions that the system will implement.

Keywords:hydropower station;industrial television;intelligence;operation area management and control


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作者简介:王清萍(1995.12—),男,汉族,四川射洪人, 助理工程师,本科,研究方向:智能电站。