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(中国人民解放军联勤保障部队档案馆,湖北 武汉 430014)

摘  要:目前档案库房建设大多沿用传统技术模式,使得档案库房的管控对人工依赖较为严重,但是物联网技术、自动化技术和人工智能技术在无人超市、无人图书馆、无人仓库中的广泛应用,为无人值守智能档案库房建设和管理模式提供了思路。文章围绕无人值守智能档案库房功能特点,重点阐述了其建设相关核心技术体系,并在此基础上对其建设使用过程中的关键问题进行了探讨,旨在为无人值守智能档案库房建设与管理提供有益参考。



中图分类号:TP391                                       文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0120-04

Research on Construction and Management of Unattended Intelligent Archives Warehouse

LIAO Li,GAO Ruzhen

(Archives of People’s Liberation Army Joint Service Support Force,Wuhan 430014,China)

Abstract:At present,the archives warehouse construction mostly continue to use of the traditional technology mode,making the archives warehouse control is seriously dependent on manual work,but the wide application of internet of things technology,automation technology and artificial intelligence technology in unmanned supermarkets,unmanned library,unmanned warehouse,which provides ideas for the construction of unattended intelligent archives warehouse and management mode. Focusing on the functional characteristics of unattended intelligent archive warehouse,this paper focuses on the core technology system related to its construction,and on this basis, discusses the key problems in its construction and use process,aiming to provide useful reference for the construction and management of unattended intelligent archives warehouse.

Keywords:unattended;intelligent archives warehouse;construction;management


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作者简介:廖丽(1986.07—),女,汉族,河南南阳人,助 理馆员,本科,研究方向:数字、智能档案馆;高如震(1979.10—), 男,汉族,安徽利辛人,硕士研究生,中级职称,研究方向:数字、 智能档案馆。