摘 要:综合管廊供电系统的健康管理,对综合管廊的持续、稳定、可靠运行具有极其重要的意义。文章通过分析国内综合管廊供电系统的信息化建设现状,引出综合管廊智慧用电解决方案。以厦门市综合管廊为例,通过在线监测采集器深挖供电系统数据,利用分布式大数据监控与分析平台,实现综合智慧用电管理系统事故追溯、能耗分析、智能联动、健康诊断等功能,有效提升了综合管廊供电可靠性。
中图分类号:TP274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0124-04
Application of Intelligent Power Consumption Solution for Underground Pipe Gallery
TANG Yanmei
(Xiamen Municipal Utility Tunnel Investment Management Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361000,China)
Abstract:The health management of the power supply system of the underground pipe gallery is of great significance to the continuous,stable and reliable operation of the underground pipe gallery. This paper analyzes the status of the informatization construction of the domestic underground pipe gallery power supply system,and leads to a solution for the intelligent power consumption of the underground pipe gallery. Taking Xiamen underground pipe gallery as an example,through the on-line monitoring collector to deeply dig the data of the power supply system,the functions of accident tracing,energy consumption analysis,intelligent linkage and health diagnosis of the integrated intelligent power consumption management system are realized by using the distributed big data monitoring and analysis platform,so as to effectively improve the power supply reliability of the underground pipe gallery.
Keywords:underground pipe gallery;energy consumption management;health diagnosis;monitoring
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作者简介:唐燕妹(1986—),女,汉族,福建漳州人,工程 师,本科,研究方向:综合管廊规划建设。