摘 要:文章介绍了大兴机场线 0.4 kV 系统两种接地故障保护设置方式及其动作原理,结合大兴机场线具体故障情况,提出多 CT 并联式接地保护不适用于冲击性负荷回路的假设,通过对比试验,验证了其在冲击性负荷回路中存在偶发性误动作的现象。最后通过分析,得出多 CT 并联式接地保护不适用于大兴机场线冲击性负荷回路的结论,并实施了相应的解决方案,为大兴机场线 0.4 kV 系统的平稳运行奠定了坚实的基础。
关键词:0.4 kV 系统;接地故障保护;多 CT 并联式;冲击性负荷;伏安特性曲线
中图分类号:TM50 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0140-04
Exploring the Applicability of Multi-CT Parallel Grounding Protection in Daxing Airport Express
MA Yue
(Beijing Metro Operation Administration Corporation Limited, Beijing 100068, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces two grounding fault protection setting modes and operating principles of the 0.4 kV system of Daxing airport express. Combined with the specific fault conditions of Daxing airport express, it proposes the hypothesis that multiCT parallel grounding protection is not suitable for impulse load circuits. Through comparison tests, it is verified that there is occasional misoperation in impulse load circuit. Finally, through the analysis, it is concluded that the multi-CT parallel grounding protection is not suitable for the impulse load circuit of Daxing airport express, and the corresponding solutions are implemented, which lays a solid foundation for the smooth operation of the 0.4 kV system of Daxing Airport express.
Keywords: 0.4 kV system; grounding fault protection; multi-CT parallel; impulse load; volt-ampere characteristic curve
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作者简介:马越(1991.10—),男,汉族,河北廊坊人,助 理工程师,本科,学士学位,研究方向:电气工程及其自动化。