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(国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作河南中心,河南 郑州 450046)

摘  要:电动剃须刀作为一种常见的个人护理电器,该领域的专利状况与技术发展及市场竞争密不可分。为了研究电动剃须刀技术现状及发展趋势,文章通过检索、统计、分析电动剃须刀的全球专利情况,对电动剃须刀的专利现状和技术发展路线进行了梳理,最后通过实际案例介绍了关键技术发展及重要申请人的技术发展路线,为该领域技术人员了解技术现状、检索相关技术文献提供参考。



中图分类号:TP39;F426                                文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0144-04

Research on Technology Status and Development Trend of Electric Razor Based on Patent Analysis

LI Bo, ZHANG Qingdong

(Patent Examination Cooperation (Henan) Center of the Patent Office, CNIPA, Zhengzhou 450046, China)

Abstract: As a common personal care appliance, the patent status of the electric razor field is closely related to technical development and market competition. In order to study the technology status and development trend of electric razors, by searching, counting and analyzing the global patent situation of electric razors, this paper combs the patent status and technical development route of electric razors, and finally introduces the key technology development and the technical development route of important applicants through practical cases, so as to provide references for technicians in this field to understand the technical status and search relevant technical documents.

Keywords: electric razor; patent analysis; technology branch; technology route


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作者简介:李博(1987—),男,汉族,河南开封人,专利审 查员,助理研究员,硕士研究生,研究方向:机电领域专利审查; 张庆栋(1984—),男,汉族,河南信阳人,专利审查员,助理研 究员,硕士研究生,研究方向:机械工程领域专利审查。