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(湖南科技学院,湖南 永州 425199)

摘  要:本文主要探究了互联网背景下实训教学系统的局限性,并以实训教学系统优势反观当前高校教学系统暴露出的手段单一、课程缺乏创新、教学主体不突出等问题。并探索了互联网背景下实训教学系统的优势,包括突出了教学主体的效果、突出了教学实践效果,突出了学生的主体地位。并在互联网背景下设计实训教学课程体系,包括课程中实训教学系统设计、模拟课程实训系统设计、实践课程实训系统设计等具体的内容。


中图分类号:TP311.52;G642         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0113-03

The Design of Practical Teaching System under the Internet Background
TANG Yachun
(Hunan University of Science and Engineering,Yongzhou 425199,China)

Abstract:In this paper,the limitations of the practical training system under the internet background are mainly explored,and current problems of teaching system in colleges and universities which are simple management method,lack of innovation incurriculum and not outstanding subject of teaching are reflected by the advantages of the practical teaching system. It also explores the advantages of the practical teaching system under the internet,which includes the effect of the main body of teaching,the effect of teaching practice and the main position of the students. In the context of the internet,the practical training course system isdesigned,including the design of the training system in the course,the design of the training system of the simulated course,the design of the practical training system and so on.

Keywords:internet;practical training;teaching system;system design


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