摘 要:目前专家画像技术研究已成为学术热点,文章以专家画像在评标专家管理中的应用为背景,对专家画像评价维度和各个维度的评价标准量化进行了研究。在此基础上,对专家画像数据指标体系和展现方式进行了设计,并加以实践应用。应用成效表明该研究的评价维度和指标体系具有广泛性和代表性,基本可以反映评标专家的特性,在评标专家管理工作中具有较好的 实用性。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0131-05
Research on the Application of Expert Portrait in the Management of Bid Evaluation Experts
CHEN Wenjun, XU Yang, MA Jingze, DONG Chao, YANG Zongliang
(Yunnan Power Grid Materials Co., Ltd., Kunming 650051, China)
Abstract: At present, the research on expert portrait technology has become an academic hotspot. Based on the application of expert portraits in the management of bid evaluation experts, this paper studies the evaluation dimensions of expert portraits and the quantification of the evaluation standards of each dimension. On this basis, the index system and display method of expert portrait data are designed and applied in practice. The application effects show that the evaluation dimensions and index system of this study are extensive and representative, and can basically reflect the characteristics of bid evaluation experts, and have good practicability in the management of bid evaluation experts.
Keywords: expert portrait; the management of bid evaluation experts; expert evaluation
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作者简介:陈文俊(1988.05—),男,汉族,云南曲靖人, 经济师,硕士,研究方向:企业信息化、供应链管理。