摘 要:从投资微博、陌陌到开发来往、推出专注于企业内部沟通的社交产品钉钉,阿里集团在社交领域不断作出新的尝试。作为国内综合实力远超其他企业的电商平台,阿里巴巴对社交平台的探索之路却十分曲折。本文通过总结阿里巴巴社交化发展的经验,试图多方面探析未来阿里巴巴社交化发展的路径。
中图分类号:F724.6;TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0138-03
An Analysis of the Development Path of China’s E-commerce Socialization
——Take the Alibaba as an example
ZHANG Chenyang
(School of Accounting,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:Ali group has made new efforts in the social field from investing Micro-blog,MOMO,development Laiwang,and the introduction of social product Dingding that focus on corporate communication. As the domestic comprehensive strength far exceeds other enterprises’business platform,Alibaba’s exploration of social networking platform is very tortuous. By summarizing the experience of social development of Alibaba,this paper attempts to explore the path of social development of Alibaba in many aspects.
Keywords:e-commerce platform;socialization networking;Alibaba;e-commerce development path
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