摘 要:为了让老年人享受到“互联网+”为社会生活带来的快捷和便利,本课题调查了社区老年人使用电脑和智能手机的现状以及老年人对电脑和智能手机应用项目的需求。通过对调查问卷结果进行统计分析,为老年人社区课堂开展计算机教学活动提供了合理的课程设置依据,确定了老年人学习使用电脑和智能手机应开设的计算机课程科目。有的放矢的计算机教学活动能够有针对性地解决老年人使用电脑和手机时遇到的问题,帮助老年人享受“互联网+”环境下衣、食、住、行、就医、娱乐和通讯等新的生活方式,提升老年人在生活中的幸福感和成就感。
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0140-03
The Research on the Curriculum of Computer Education fothe Aged under“Internet plus”environment
MA Yue
(Department of Computer Science,Beijing Xicheng University of Economics and Science,Beijing 100035,China)
Abstract:In order to allow the elderly to enjoy“Internet plus”brings to the social life of the quick and convenient,this paper investigated the elderly using computer and intelligent mobile phone as well as the status of the elderly to the computer and intelligent mobile phone application project. Through the statistical analysis the results of the questionnaire,it provides a reasonable basis for the teaching of computer teaching in the community class for the elderly,and determines the computer course subject to be opened by the old people to learn to use computers and smart phones. Computer teaching activities targeted to solve the elderly encounter problems when using the computer and mobile phone,to help the elderly to enjoy daily life,medical,entertainment and communication etc. in“Internet plus”environment,the new way of life,improve the elderly in the life of happiness and a sense of achievement.
Keywords:Internet plus;education for the aged;community education;active aging computer curriculum
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