摘 要:新一代智能交通系统的主要组成技术有物联网、数据库技术、移动互联网、图像抓拍识别技术、自动车辆识别技术和云计算。此外,新一代智能交通系统的技术有五大特点,分别是清晰度极高、系统效能强、能够实现全方位监控、交通整体调度高和识别能力强。本文将简析新一代智能交通系统的技术特点与发展,并提出个人见解。
中图分类号:U495 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0149-02
Technical Characteristics and Development of New Generation Intelligent Transportation System
YU Xiaodong,ZHOU Yihua
(China Road & Bridge Corporation,Beijing 100011,China)
Abstract:The main components of the new generation of intelligent transportation system include internet of things,databasetechnology,mobile internet,image capture recognition technology,automatic vehicle identification technology and cloud computing. In addition,the new generation of intelligent traffic system technology has five characteristics,which are very high definition,strong system efficiency,can realize all sides,location monitoring,high overall traffic scheduling and strong recognition ability. This article will briefly analyze the technical characteristics and development of the new generation of intelligent transportation system,and put forward personal opinions.
Keywords:new generation;intelligent transportation system;technical characteristics
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