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(福州外语外贸学院 信息系,福建 福州 350202)

摘  要:随着老龄化的加剧和我国独生子女比例的增加,我国人口老龄化趋势日益严峻,养老成为一个社会性的难题。将“互联网+”与社区养老模式相结合,利用互联网、软件开发等现代化的信息手段,构建一个贴近实际的社区养老信息系统,将新兴高科技电子产品与传统模式相融合,建设新的养老模式下的综合服务平台,全方位提升社区养老服务的能力,从而将家庭、社区 以及政府等社会各方面的资源整合起来,更好地为广大老年人服务。


中图分类号:TP399;D669.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0119-03

Research on the Construction of Informatization Platform under the Model ofInternet plus and Community Pension
FANG Xuanyi,WANG Weihang,LIN Xujian
(Department of Information Technology,Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade,Fuzhou 350202,China)

Abstract:With the intensification of aging and the increase of the proportion of only children in China,the trend of population aging in China is increasingly severe,pension has become a social problem. Combining“internet plus”with community pension model, using modern information means such as internet and software development,we will construct a community pension information system that is close to reality,integrate emerging high-tech electronic products with traditional models,build a new pension service platform,and comprehensively promote community pension service,thus integrating resources from families,communities and governments in allaspects of society,and serving the majority of the elderly better.

Keywords:internet plus;community pension;informatization


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