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(浙江省疾病预防控制中心,浙江 杭州 310057)

摘  要:高效管控传染病的密切接触者,是阻断重大传染病传播的有效方法之一。传统管理通过纸质函件、电话等方式完成密切接触者的管控,不但耗时费力,效率低下,而且存在信息安全隐患。通过信息化手段管理密切接触者,所有信息均在系统内流转,保证了信息安全性、使用便捷性、流转顺畅性,提高了对重大传染病密切接触者的管理效率。后续将提供移动端服务,为密接管理提供移动便利。



中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)20-0109-06

Design and Application of Provincial Precision Intelligent Control and Close Contact Management System Based on Major Infectious Diseases

CAI Yanwei, JIANG Tao

(Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310057, China)

Abstract: Efficient management and control of close contacts of infectious diseases is one of the effective methods to block the spread of major infectious diseases. Traditional management completes the management and control of close contacts by means of paper letters and telephone and so on, which is not only time-consuming and inefficient, but also has hidden dangers of information security. Close contacts are managed through informatization means, and all information is transferred within the system, ensuring information security, ease of use, and smooth circulation, and improving the management efficiency of close contacts of major infectious diseases.Mobile terminal services will be provided in the future to provide mobile convenience for close contact management.

Keywords: close contact management system; precision intelligent control; major infectious disease


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