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一站式住院服务中心信息化管理系统建设 ——以江西省某三甲医院为例
(1. 江西中医药大学 计算机学院,江西 南昌 330004;2. 江西省卫生健康事业发展中心,江西 南昌 330000;3. 江西省人民医院 信息处,江西 南昌 330006)

摘  要:一站式住院服务中心信息化系统通过优化入院流程,将检验检查在病人入住病区前完成,实现全院床位统一管理调配。完善信息系统功能,开发建立入院准备中心系统,成立一站式住院服务中心,为病人执行院前检查检验项目,并预约床位。实现病人入院前最大限度地完成院前相关检验检查,降低病人住院天数,降低住院费用,由住院服务中心统一安排床位。利用信息技术进一步改善患者就医体验,提高患者满意度,降低医院平均住院日,提高床位运行效率和利用率。




中图分类号:TP311                                     文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)20-0153-04

Construction of Informatization Management System for One-stop Inpatient Service Center

—Take a Third Class Hospital in Jiangxi Province as an Example

ZHOU Yanling1, XIAO Nuo2, CHEN Hui 3

(1.College of Computer Science, Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China; 2.Jiangxi Health Development Center,Nanchang 330000, China; 3.Information Division, Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital, Nanchang 330006, China)

Abstract: By optimizing the admission process, the one-stop inpatient service center informatization system completes the inspection before the patients move into the ward, so as to realize the unified management and allocation of beds in the whole hospital. By improving the function of the information system, developing and establishing the admission preparation center system, establishing a onestop inpatient service center to carry out pre hospital examination and inspection items for patients and reserve beds for them. To achieve the maximum completion of pre hospital related examinations before admission, which will reduce the length of stay and hospitalization expenses, and the inpatient service center will uniformly arrange beds. To use information technology to further improve patients’ medical experience, improve patients’ satisfaction, reduce the average hospital stay, and improve the operation efficiency and utilization of beds.

Keywords: one-stop; inpatient service; pre hospital Doctor’s order; information technology


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