摘 要:根据终端区入口点雷达数据和 BADA 数据,设计出一个进港航班自动化程序,提前预测航班在各个节点上的冲突,并自动模拟管制员常用策略解决线路上的冲突,实现飞机排序降落;计算出管制员对每架到达最终进近点飞机所消耗的指令以及工作负荷,并通过 MinDS 模型评估各级管制员在不同繁忙程度下的工作效率。结合国内白云机场进场航班的数据进行案例计算,结果表明,此程序能够在一定程度上模拟管制员决策,解决潜在冲突,推算飞机降落时间,有效评估管制员工作负荷及管制效率。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0115-06
Optimization of Work Efficiency Evaluation Based on Approach Control Automation Procedure
CHEN Guangjie 1, LE Meilong2
(College of Civil Avivation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Abstract: According to the radar data and BADA data at the entrance point of the terminal area, an automatic program for inbound flights is designed to predict the conflicts of flights at each node in advance, and automatically simulate the common strategies of controllers to solve the conflicts on the line, so as to realize the sequential landing of aircraft; calculate the command and workload consumed by the controller for each aircraft reaching the final approach point, and evaluate the work efficiency of controllers at different levels under different busy levels through MinDS model. Case calculation is carried out in combination with the data of inbound flights of domestic Baiyun Airport, the results show that this program can simulate the controller’s decision-making to a certain extent, solve potential conflicts, calculate the aircraft landing time, and effectively evaluate the controller’s workload and control efficiency.
Keywords: work efficiency; air traffic control; arrival flight; conflict resolution
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