摘 要:基于山东省城市空气质量浓度等有关数据,研究大气细颗粒物浓度的时空格局,并利用相关性分析自然和社会经济因素对其影响的时空非平稳性。结果表明:山东省 PM2.5 浓度分布总体表现东低西高的空间格局。2019—2020 年污染日出现的频率分别为 18.80% 和 14.89%。山东省 PM2.5 浓度呈明显的夏低冬高、春秋居中的季节变化,U 形月度变化特征。Spearman秩相关方法表明,公路密度对 PM2.5 浓度有正向影响,而温度、降水、日照时数、人均 GDP、科学技术支出对 PM2.5 浓度有负向影响。
关键词:细颗粒物 PM2.5;时空分异;山东省;影响因素
基金项目:山东省重大科技创新工程项目 “省级自然资源监测监管大数据应用服务平台建 设”(2019JZZY020103)
中图分类号:X823;TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0104-06
Temporal and Spatial Differentiation Characteristics and Factor Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter Concentration in Shandong Province
WANG Yingran, JI Min, LI Zhen
(College of Geodesy and Geomatics, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)
Abstract: Based on the relevant data of urban air quality concentration in Shandong Province, the temporal and spatial pattern of atmospheric fine particulate matter concentration is studied, the temporal and spatial non-stationary of the influence of natural and socioeconomic factors is analyzed by correlation. The results show that: the overall distribution of PM2.5 concentration in Shandong Province shows the spatial pattern of low in east and high in west. The frequency of pollution days from 2019 to 2020 is 18.80% and 14.89%, respectively. PM2.5 concentration in Shandong Province shows significant seasonal changes, low in summer, high in winter, middle in spring and autumn, and the monthly change of U-shape. The Spearman rank correlation method shows that the highway density has a positive effect on PM2.5 concentration, while the temperature, precipitation, sunshine hours, per capita GDP, and scientific and technical expenditure have a negative effect on PM2.5 concentration.
Keywords: fine particulate matter PM2.5; temporal and spatial differentiation; Shandong Province; influencing factor
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作者简介:王映然(1998—),女,汉族,山东烟台人,硕士在读, 主要研究方向:大气污染监测与评价;通讯作者:季民(1970—), 男,汉族,山东齐河人,教授,博士,主要研究方向:地理信息系 统设计与开发。