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(信阳学院图书馆,河南 信阳 464000)

摘  要:通过解决人工智能环境下民办高校智慧图书馆建设影响因素问题,促进图书馆转型发展。经过实地调研、访谈等方式,得到原始数据资料。通过开放性编码、主轴编码、选择性编码等步骤,得到影响民办高校智慧图书馆建设的因素,并构建了影响因素模型。研究发现人工智能驱动下的民办高校智慧图书馆的建设主要受馆藏资源、场地设备、技术文化、用户服务、馆员发展的影响。



中图分类号:TP18                                      文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0127-04

Research on Influencing Factors of Wisdom Library Construction Driven by Artificial Intelligence —Take Private Colleges as an Example

MA Shoujun

(Library of Xinyang University, Xinyang 464000, China)

Abstract: By solving the influencing factor problem of wisdom library construction in private colleges under the artificial intelligence environment, we can promote the transformation and development of libraries. Through field research, interviews and other means, the original data are obtained. Through the steps of open coding, spindle coding and selective coding, the factors affecting the construction of wisdom library in private colleges are obtained, and the influencing factor model is constructed. It is found that the construction of the wisdom library in private colleges driven by artificial intelligence is mainly affected by collection resources, site equipment, technical culture, user service and librarian development.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; private college; wisdom library; influence factor


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