摘 要:文章对基于 B/S 架构的医药进销存管理智能化、网络化设计与实现进行了研究。首先对我国城市药店经营过程管理信息化、计算机化的现状和存在的问题做了分析;其次从成本、方便易用和易于实现的角度考虑,对应用系统进行了需求分析、结构化设计和数据库设计;最终采用 B/S 架构也就是基于浏览器和服务器架构完成了对系统的详细设计和实现。
关键词:进销存管理;ASP.NET;B/S 架构;信息化
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0153-04
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Management System of Pharmaceutical Purchase, Sale and Inventory Based on B/S Architecture
WANG Baoan, SUN Zhongzhi
(Zaozhuang Vocational College, Zaozhuang 277800, China)
Abstract: This paper studies the intelligent and networked design and implementation of pharmaceutical purchase, sales and inventory management based on B/S architecture. Firstly, it analyzes the current situation and existing problems of informatization and computerization of management process of urban pharmacies in China; Secondly, from the perspective of cost, ease of use and easy realization, the demand analysis, structural design and database design of the application system are carried out; Finally, the detailed design and implementation of the system are completed based on B / S architecture, that is, browser and server architecture.
Keywords: purchase; sale and inventory management; ASP.NET; B/S architecture; informatization
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