摘 要:借鉴国内先进城市经验做法,建立完善涵盖数据资源梳理、数据采集清洗、数据库设计和存储、数据分类分级管理、数据使用等五个步骤全流程的数据标准规范体系,充分发挥标准化建设的“统一规范”作用,从根本上解决各部门各系统数据存在的不标准、不完整、不一致、重复、错误等数据质量问题。通过对政府数据的研究,建立数据结构模型,探讨数据资源平台建设方向,分析基础数据库和主题数据库建设,开展数据共享交换平台的应用研究。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0157-04
Research on Constructing the Basic Database of Government Information Resources Based on Non -SQL Database
GU Mingsheng
(Harbin Big Data Center, Harbin 150030, China)
Abstract: Learn from the experience and practice of domestic advanced cities, establish and improve the data standard and specification system covering the whole process of five steps: data resource combing, data collection and cleaning, database design and storage, data classification and hierarchical management and data use, give full play to the “unified and standardized” role of standardization construction, and fundamentally solve the data quality problems of various departments and systems including nonstandard, incomplete,inconsistent, duplicate, error and so on. Through the research of government data, establish the data structure model,explore the construction direction of data resource platform, analyze the construction of basic database and subject database, and carry out the application research of data sharing and exchange platform.
Keywords: government data; data standard; big data; non-SQL database; data element
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