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(山东农业大学,山东 泰安 271000)

摘  要:督查督办工作是高校办公室的重要职能,针对当前高校督查督办工作存在的信息化水平不高、督办任务管理考核不完善等问题,在智慧校园平台上建设督办任务和政务公开应用,对督查督办任务进行全生命周期的流转和监控,明确任务时间节点和责任归属,强化对督办结果的考核和评价,促进各项工作有力有序推进。



中图分类号:TP399                                       文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)04-0168-03

Research on the Design of Supervision Application Based on Wisdom Campus 

MA Hongjian, ZHANG Huanyuan

(Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271000, China)

Abstract: Supervision work is an important function of the university office. In view of the problems existing in the current university supervision work, such as the low level of informatization and the imperfect management and assessment of supervision tasks, we build an application for supervision tasks and openness of government affairs on the wisdom campus platform, transfer and monitor the supervision tasks throughout the life cycle, and clarify the task time node and responsibility attribution, strengthen the assessment and evaluation of the supervision results and promote the vigorous and orderly progress of all work.

Keywords: wisdom campus; supervision; openness of government affairs


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