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基于Floyd、FCFS 和SJF 算法的机场智能调度
(1. 浙江中医药大学,浙江 杭州 310053;2. 河南机电职业学院,河南 郑州 451191)

摘  要:随着我国航空事业的高速发展,快速、便捷的空中运输业备受人们的关注。由于航班数量的急剧增长,单纯依赖人工决策进行航班调度愈加困难。因此,本文在充分考虑安全性和效率的情况下,借助于计算机建立基于最短路径和最短时间的多目标优化算法对上海虹桥机场进行智能调度,对航班起飞和降落的次序、时间以及地面的滑行路径进行规划。

关键词:Floyd 算法;FCFS/SJF 算法;向图;多跑道调度

中图分类号:V355;TP18         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0135-03

Airport Intelligent Scheduling Based on Floyd,FCFS and SJF Algorithm
ZHU Xue1,XU Junkang1,WU Lili1,ZHU Lei2
(1.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310053,China;2.Henan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational College,Zhengzhou 451191,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of China’s aviation industry,the fast and convenient air transportation industry has attracted people’s attention. Due to a sharp increase in the number of flights which rely on artificial decision in flight scheduling becomes harder and harder. Therefore,in this paper,with the full consideration of security and efficiency,a multi-objective optimization algorithm based on the shortest path and the shortest time is established by means of a computer,to schedule intelligent dispatch of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. The flight departure and landing sequence, time and ground skating path are planned.

Keywords:Floyd algorithm;FCFS/SJF algorithm;directed graph;multiple runway scheduling


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[2] 余江,刘晓明,蒲云. 飞机着陆调度问题的MPS 优化算法研究 [J]. 系统工程理论与实践,2004(3):119-122+133.
