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(南京理工大学 信息化建设与管理处,江苏 南京 210094)

摘  要:作为高等教育与教学现代化实现过程中至关重要的手段及标志,教育信息化对提高信息素养、改善教育资源利用与开发具有重大意义。当前,高校信息化建设正处于迅猛发展阶段,在高校数字校园建设理念逐步向“服务信息化”转化的趋势下,利用当前的先进信息技术及网络技术,整合并合理分配资源,建立先进、实用、高效、健全的校区信息化系统与运维体系是我们共同的努力方向。本课题旨在探索高校信息系统技术支撑与运行维护体系的新思路和新途径,坚持以服务为目标,以师生为核心,符合高校数字校园技术发展趋势,以期为学校高等教育综合改革提供优质服务与保障。


中图分类号:TP391         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0140-02

Research on Technical Support and Operation Maintenance of University Information System
(Division of Informationization Construction and Management,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)

Abstract:As a crucial tool and symbol for the modernization of higher education and teaching,education informatization has great significance for improving information literacy and improving the use and development of educational resources. At present,the information construction of universities is at a rapid development stage. Under the trend of digital campus construction in universities gradually shifting to the“informatization services”,the current advanced information technology and network technology are used to integrate and rationally allocate resources and establish advanced,practical applications,efficient and sound campus information system and an operation and maintenance system are our common efforts. This topic explores new ideas and new approaches for the technical support and operation and maintenance system of university information systems. It insists on serving as a goal,teachers and students as the core,and building a digital campus technology that meets the development trend of colleges and universities and provides high quality of service and guarantee for the comprehensive reform of higher education in schools.

Keywords:education informatization;digital campus;technical support


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