摘 要:图书馆作为高校信息资源集散地,为高校智库提供丰富的学术信息资源。高校建设高规格智库,离不开图书馆强有力的信息服务支持。美国高校智库建设起步较早、发展成熟,在世界范围内影响巨大。其中,哈佛大学更是有多家智库登上《2017年全球智库指数报告》中全球高校智库排行榜的前列,其图书馆对学校智库提供的服务也具有重要的参考意义。本文以哈佛大学图书馆为蓝本,从哈佛大学图书馆的建设理念、网络服务及分馆建设三方面,探究该校图书馆在智库服务方面的策略和方式,为国内高校图书馆开展同类服务提供参考。
中图分类号:G258.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0152-03
Study on Harvard University Library Service and Its Reference for theConstruction of High Standard Think Tanks in Universities
ZHANG Jianing
(Shandong University Library,Jinan 250100,China)
Abstract:As a distributing center of information resources,university libraries are the foundation for the construction of university think tanks. It is inseparable from the library information service support that university think tanks conduct advanced information analysis. The construction of think tanks in American universities started earlier and fully developed,which has a great impact worldwide. Especially Harvard University,it has several university-affiliated think tanks on list of Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2017, and its library service has referential significance for domestic university library. This paper,taking Harvard University Library as the blueprint,explores the strategies of the library service for think tank,and provides reference for the domestic university libraries to carry out similar service.
Keywords:think tank;university;library
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