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(左权县交通运输局,山西 晋中 032600)

摘  要:科学技术的不断发展促使信息技术在各行业中的应用愈发广泛,特别是在公路运输管理中,信息技术发挥着重要的作用。在当前公路运输管理中,通过对计算机信息技术的合理应用,极大地提高了公路运输管理工作的效率。基于此,本文主要就计算机信息技术在公路运输管理中的重要性进行探讨,以期进一步推动我国交通运输的健康稳定发展,满足我国社会经济发展对这方面的需求。


中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0154-02

The Importance of Computer Information Technology inHighway Transportation Management
CAO Huizhi
(Zuoquan County Traffic and Transportation Bureau,Jinzhong 032600,China)

Abstract:The continuous development of science and technology makes the application of information technology more and more widely in all industries,especially in the management of highway transportation,information technology plays an important role. In the current highway transportation management,through the rational application of computer information technology,the efficiency of highway transportation management will be greatly improved. Based on this,this paper mainly discusses the importance of computer information technology in highway transportation management,in order to further promote the healthy and stable development of traffic and transportation in China,and meet the needs of the social and economic development of our country.

Keywords:computer information technology;highway transportation


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