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基于数据驱动的酒店线上客户群体流失预测模型 应用研究
(上海理工大学,上海 200093)

摘  要:随着我国逐步进入数字经济体系,互联网经济开始渗透至各行各业,并促进其快速发展。以传统的酒店住宿行业为例,通过线上发展客户与房间预订服务,每天向百千万会员提供全方位的酒店及配套服务。基于客户的交易记录、自身信息等基础数据,深入剖析用户喜好及行为倾向,进而挖掘影响客户流失的关键因素,构建合理可靠的流失预测模型,最大程度挽留客户已成为目前主流综合酒店旅行服务公司关注的主要业务。文章以不同预测模型对影响用户流失的各类因素进行分析,同时对客户访问的转化结果进行分析,以更好地完善产品设计,同时提升用户体验。



中图分类号:U284.48                                      文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0181-05

Research on the Application of Data-driven Prediction Model for Hotel Online Customer Churn

ZHANG Yusi, YU Mingliang

(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)

Abstract: As China gradually enters the digital economy system, the internet economy begins to penetrate into all walks of life and promotes its rapid development. Taking the traditional hotel accommodation industry as an example, hotel enterprises provide a full range of hotels and supporting services to millions of members every day through developing guest and room reservation services online. Based on customers' transaction records, their own information and other basic data, it analyze deeply user preferences and behavior tendencies, and then mine the key factors affecting customer churn, build a reasonable and reliable churn prediction model, and retain customers to the greatest extent has become the main business concerned by the mainstream integrated hotel travel service companies. This paper analyzes various factors affecting user churn with different prediction models, and analyzes the transformation results of customer visits, so as to better improve product design and improve user experience.

Keywords: customer behavior management; churn tendency; churn prediction model


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