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基于时延 Elman 神经网络的火电机组低负荷煤量 平衡自动化控制方法
(1. 国家电投集团江西电力有限公司,江西 南昌 330096;2. 国家电投集团江西电力有限公司分宜发电厂,江西 新余 336611)

摘  要:针对火电机组在低负荷运行下,难以平衡控制煤量的问题,提出一种基于 Elman 神经网络的煤量平衡自动化控制方法。确定产生每千克电能所需煤炭量以及损失热效率,计算每个单元的权重系数,利用联想式学习策略计算煤量平衡控制的算子,最终实现火电机组低负荷运行状态下的煤量平衡控制。仿真实验结果表明:所提方法具有非常理想的煤量控制效果,低负荷运行工况下的燃煤量大大降低。

关键词:时延 Elman 神经网络;火电机组;煤量平衡控制;煤耗特性曲线;联想式学习策略


中图分类号:TP18;TK221                              文献标识码:A                            文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0126-05

Automatic Control Method of Low Load Coal Balance of Thermal Power Unit Based on Time-Delay Elman Neural Network

XIONG Rui 1, CHENG Wenfeng2, LI Shijie 2, XIAO Jiaming2, LIU Jiaye 2

(1.Jiangxi Power Co., Ltd., of State Power Investment Group, Nanchang 330096, China; 2.Fenyi Power Plant of Jiangxi Power Co., Ltd., of State Power Investment Group, Xinyu 336611, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to balance control of coal quantity of thermal power units under low load operation, an automatic control method of coal quantity balance based on Elman neural network is proposed. It determines the amount of coal required to generate per kilogram of electric energy and the heat loss efficiency, calculates the weight coefficient of each unit, and uses the associative learning strategy to calculate the operator of balance control of coal quantity, finally realizes the balance control of coal quantity under the low load operation of thermal power units. The simulation results show that the proposed method has a very ideal coal quantity control effect, and the coal consumption quantity under low load operation condition is greatly reduced.

Keywords: time-delay Elman neural network; thermal power unit; balance control of coal quantity; coal consumption characteristic curve; associative learning strategy


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