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王旭¹,王保云¹,³,韩俊 ² ,徐繁树 ²
(1. 云南师范大学 数学学院,云南 昆明 650500;2. 云南师范大学 信息学院,云南 昆明 650500;3. 云南省高校复杂系统建模及 应用重点实验室,云南 昆明 650500)

摘  要:泥石流灾害发生迅速、破坏力极大,给人类生命财产安全带来了严重的威胁,云南省西北部地区极易发生泥石流灾害。针对泥石流灾害预测问题,文中以云南怒江流域为研究区域,以历史泥石流灾害数据为基础,提取该流域沟谷数字高程模型图,发生泥石流的沟谷图像记为正样本,未发生过泥石流的沟谷图像记为负样本。采用原型网络作为小样本学习框架,Conv4和 ResNet12 分别作为特征提取网络对沟谷图像进行训练、测试,实现了六分类预测。经实验结果对比,2-way 5-shot 条件下、ResNet12 作为特征提取网络时表现最佳,预测准确率达到 75.36%。




中图分类号:TP391.4;P407.8                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0130-03

Prediction of Debris Flow Valley Images Based on Prototypical Network

WANG Xu1, WANG Baoyun1,3, HAN Jun2, XU Fanshu2

(1.School of Mathematics, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China; 2.School of Information, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Complex System Modeling and Application for Universities in Yunnan, Kunming 650500, China)

Abstract: Debris flow disasters occur rapidly and are extremely destructive. It poses a serious threat to the safety of human life and property. The northwestern region of Yunnan Province is highly prone to debris flow disasters. Aiming at the problem of debris flow disaster prediction, this paper takes the Nujiang River Basin in Yunnan as the research area, based on the historical debris flow disaster data, extracts the digital elevation model images of the valleys in the basin. The valley images which occurs debris flow are recorded as positive samples, and valley images which no debris flow are recorded as negative samples. The prototype network is used as a small sample learning framework, and Conv4 and ResNet12 are used as feature extraction networks to train and test valley images respectively, and achieve six-class prediction. Compared with the experimental results, under the condition of 2-way 5-shot, ResNet12 performs the best as the feature extraction network, and the prediction accuracy rate reaches 75.36%.

Keywords: small sample learning; prototypical network; debris flow; digital elevation model


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