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(河南中原光电测控技术有限公司,河南 郑州 450047)

摘  要:涡度相关法是以雷诺分解为理论基础,通过计算湍流中垂直方向的风速脉动与相关物理量脉动的协方差,求解出物理量的湍流通量。森林生态系统作为陆地上重要的碳源和碳汇,具有固碳和释放碳素的功能,在碳中和方面发挥着重要作用。文章通过对西北某山岭森林生态系统(试验点 1)和华北平原某生态区森林生态系统(试验点 2)进行定位观测,分别在夏季和冬季选取一个月的观测数据,采用涡度相关法进行碳通量计算,结果表明,试验点 1 夏季生态系统碳吸收量大于排放量,试验点2 冬季生态系统碳吸收量小于排放量。



中图分类号:TP274+.2                                    文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0149-04

Observational Research on Carbon Flux of Forest Ecosystem Based on Eddy Covariance

TIAN Dongzhe, WU Su, XU Mengshuai, LI Mingfang, LIU Liye

(Henan Zhongyuan Photoelectric Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450047, China)

Abstract: The Eddy covariance is taking the Reynolds decomposition as theory basis. By calculating the covariance of the vertical wind speed fluctuation and the related physical quantity fluctuation in the turbulence, the turbulent flux of the physical quantity is solved. As an important carbon source and sink on land, forest ecosystem has the functions of carbon sequestration and carbon release, and plays an important role in carbon neutralization. Based on the positioning observation of a mountain forest ecosystem in Northwest China (test site 1) and a forest ecosystem in an ecological area of North China Plain (test site 2), the observation data of one month are selected in summer and winter respectively, and the carbon flux is calculated by using the Eddy covariance. The results show that the carbon absorption of the ecosystem in test site 1 is greater than the emission in summer, and the carbon absorption of the ecosystem in test site 2 is less than the emission in winter.

Keywords: Eddy covariance; forest ecosystem; carbon flux; carbon sink


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