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基于多传感器的内陆水域水上水下 一体化测绘技术探索

摘  要:根据自然资源部关于形成三维一体化自然资源监测评价体系的发展需求,针对内陆水域水下地形测绘中存在的多波束测深仪浅水区域数据空白及水上水下多元数据融合等难点,文章提出多波束侧扫手段结合单波束无人船的方式对浅水空白区补测的方法,利用兼容多格式点云数据处理和分析软件进行点云数据融合处理,并形成水上水下一体化数字产品。提出适用于内陆水域环境的水上水下一体化工艺体系,有效提高测量效率及成果精度。




中图分类号:TP212                                      文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0092-05

Exploration of Overwater and Underwater Integrated Surveying and Mapping Technology in Inland Waters Based on Multi-Sensor

YANG Su, CHEN Long, HU Yichuan, SHAN Wei

(The 3rd Geodetic Team of Ministry of Natural Resources, Chengdu 610100, China)

Abstract: According to the development needs of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the formation of 3D integrated natural resource monitoring and evaluation system, aiming at the data blank in shallow water area of multibeam echosounder which is existing in underwater terrain surveying and mapping in inland water, and overwater and underwater multivariate data fusion and other difficulties, this paper proposes the method of multi-beam side-sweep combined with single-beam unmanned ship to complement test the shallow water blank area, uses compatible multi-format point cloud data processing and analysis software for point cloud data fusion processing, and forms the overwater and underwater integrated and digital products. It proposes the overwater and underwater integrated process system suitable for inland water environment, effectively improve the measurement efficiency and accuracy of results.

Keywords: overwater and underwater integrated surveying and mapping technology; multi-sensor; detection of shallow water blank area; multi-source data fusion processing; integrated digital product 


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