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(山东博物馆,山东 济南 250014)

摘  要:采用太赫兹技术对文物进行无损光谱检测,探测文物表面原料物质随时间的变化情况及含水率的状况;通过对文物表层和内部进行无痕、无损伤的探测,实现文物内部的三维成像,形成对文物的内部损伤预判,为今后文物修复提供技术支撑。太赫兹技术契合国家文物保护的需求,有助于解决国内文物无损探测和修复的重要问题,具有一定的创新性、示范性和推广价值,应用前景广泛,对国家文物保护具有重要意义。



中图分类号:TP273.+4                                  文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0096-05

Exploration on the Application of Terahertz Technology in the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics

LU Min

(Shandong Museum, Jinan 250014, China)

Abstract: This paper uses terahertz technology to carry out the non-destructive spectral detection of cultural relics, detects the change situation of the raw materials and the condition of water content rate on the surface of cultural relics with time. Through the detection on the surface layer and interior of the cultural relics without trace and damage, it realizes three-dimensional imaging inside the cultural relics, forms a prediction of the internal damage of cultural relics, and provides technical support for the restoration of cultural relics in the future. Terahertz technology meets the needs of national preservation of cultural relics and helps to solve the important problem of non-destructive detection and restoration of domestic cultural relics. It has certain innovation, demonstration and promotion value, and it has wide application prospects. It is of great significance to the preservation of national cultural relics

Keywords: terahertz; preservation of cultural relics; dielectric substance; spectral database


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