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(四川大学华西第二医院,四川 成都 610066)

摘  要:基于新生儿患者医疗记录数据无法有效整合的现状,文章优化新生儿患者主索引平台。通过研究传统患者主索引平台的工作原理,找到 13+2 个适用于新生儿患者的信息项,将传统平台所用的信息项进行替换和重构,实现新生儿患者信息交叉索引的有效匹配和非单胎个体在平台中的有效区分。模型优化后新生儿患者信息的一致性和完整性得到了提升,为新生儿临床数据的区域共享与医学研究奠定基础。



中图分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0104-04

Optimization and Exploration of the EMPI Model for Neonatal Patients in Hospital

CHEN Yun, WANG Jielin

(West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610066, China)

Abstract: Based on the current situation that the medical record data of neonatal patients cannot be effectively integrated, this paper optimizes the EMPI (Enterprise Master Patient Index) platform for neonatal patients. By studying the operational principle of the traditional EMPI platform, 13+2 information items suitable for neonatal patients are found, and the information items used in the traditional platform are replaced and reconstructed, so as to achieve effective matching of the cross-index of neonatal patient information and effective discrimination of non-singleton individuals in the platform. After the model optimization, the consistency and integrity of neonatal patient information have been improved, laying the foundation for regional sharing and medical research of neonatal clinical data.

Keywords: EMPI; identity information matching; neonatus; patient identifier 


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