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SDH 业务迁移和网络演进策略研究
(中国移动通信集团福建有限公司厦门分公司,福建 厦门 361008)

摘  要:针对当前 SDH 网络业务承载现状以及专线业务承载需求,首先阐述了当前主流传送网技术的特点,对 SDH 网络上承载业务的迁移方案进行研究,然后据此提出基于 VC-OTN 技术的政企专网承载方案,并从网络结构规划、网络演进方面构建了 VC-OTN 技术的应用方案,以此解决 SDH 业务迁移及网络演进中存在的问题。最后,提出 SDH 网络替代方案,实现SDH 网络协同演进及业务平滑迁移的目的。



中图分类号:TN915.02                                   文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0101-04

Research on SDH Service Migration and Network Evolution Strategy

LU Huijiao, SHEN Ming

(Xiamen Branch of China Mobile Communications Group Fujian Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361008, China)

Abstract: In view of the current SDH network service carrying status and private line service carrying demand, firstly, the characteristics of the current  mainstream transport network technology are described, and the migration scheme of carrying services on SDH network is studied. Then, a government-enterprise private network carrying scheme based on VC-OTN technology is proposed. The application scheme of VC-OTN technology is constructed from the  aspects of network structure planning and network evolution to solve the problems existing in SDH service migration and network evolution. Finally, an  alternative scheme for SDH network is proposed to achieve the goal of SDH network cooperative evolution and smooth service migration.

Keywords:  SDH; migration; VC-OTN; network evolution 


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