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(上海宝信软件股份有限公司,上海 201203)

摘  要:轨道交通运营施工作业所需的各种资源不可避免地会出现各种冲突,且随着线网运营规模的扩大,冲突矛盾愈加激烈,施工作业调度工作量及复杂度也将大幅增加。以无锡地铁线网运营施工调度管理系统建设为例,分析管理现状及业务需求,设计施工计划滚动式自动发布模式,提出了基于冲突检测以及自动请销点算法的智能化施工调度方案,保障了运营施工安全,提升了施工调度管理效能。



中图分类号:TP39                                     文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0167-05

Construction and Application of Intelligent Construction Scheduling Management System for Urban Rail Transit

SHI Jinfeng

(Shanghai Baosight Software Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: Various resources required for rail transit operation and construction will inevitably encounter various conflicts, and with the expansion of line network operation scale, the conflict is becoming more and more intense. The workload and complexity of construction operation dispatching will also increase significantly, taking the construction of Wuxi metro line network operation and construction scheduling management system as an example, this paper analyzes the management status and business requirements, designs the rolling automatic release mode of construction plan, and puts forward an intelligent construction dispatching scheme based on conflict detection and automatic application & cancellation algorithm, which ensures the safety of operation construction and improves the efficiency of construction dispatching management.

Keywords: urban rail transit; construction management; collision detection; line network operation


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